Storage Programs
Enjoy your camper in all seasons. Store your camper on a site for the described dates. Your camper will stay on one of our campsites with easy access. All cords, slideouts, and awnings must be up when unoccupied. Based on availability and restricted to a limited number of campsites.
November 1 – March 31
(Includes 10 nights of camping)
April 1 – May 15
(Includes 3 nights of camping)
June 1 – 30
(Includes 8 nights of camping)
July 7 – 31
(Includes 8 nights of camping)
August 1-27
(Includes 8 nights of camping)
Seasonal Camping
Seasonal sites are available on a limited basis. All camping units must have a valid license plate and be left in a towable state. Please call for rates.
Special Discounts Available
All Discounts Valid on Campsites Only
- 10% OFF Good Sam Members.
- Seniors: 10% Off Sunday through Thursday.
- One discount can be given per night.
- Check online and at check in for seasonal promotions & packages!
- Value Weekday Rates: check out our rate chart!
- Length of Stay Deals: Stay 4 nights get the 5th night FREE! All nights must be consecutive, only one discount/promotion per stay. (Excludes Rental Units)
- Weekly Stay: 20% OFF – 7 consecutive night stay. Nights must be consecutive. Only 1 discount/promotion per stay. (Excludes Rental Units)
- Club Yogi Rewards: For more information check out